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Slatepaw: Slatepaw

“The things that make me different are the things that make me, me.”

- Piglet

Slatepaw: Image

Slatepaw's Bio

A Hidden Heart


Current Name: Slatepaw
Other Names, if any: Slatekit
Age (in moons): 7 moons
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor(s): Whiteshadow @Moonraven

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): OPEN
Mother (s): OPEN
Sibling(s): OPEN
Offspring: OPEN

Best Friend(s): OPEN
Friend(s): Duskkit @Shimm
Neutral: OPEN
Acquaintance(s): Sparrowpaw @Cörruptly
Enemies: OPEN

Crush: OPEN
Significant Other: OPEN

Romance: Yuck, too busy


Overview: A quiet, stoic young she-cat with a gentle heart
Traits: Sweet, quiet, cautious, gentle, hardworking, stoic

Mental Age: 20 moons
Psychiatric Complications: Social anxiety
Phobias: Being alone and swimming

Sociability: Low
Outlook: High
Responsibility: High
Cleanliness: High
Generosity: Mid
Manners: High
Bravery: High
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical

Favorite Season: Green leaf
Favorite Food(s): Squirrel

Greatest Hope: Be a leader
Greatest Strength: Hardworking
Greatest Weakness: Antisocial
Worst Nightmare: Rushing water


Place of Birth: Shadowclan
Former rank(s): Kit, apprentice

Physical Traits

Black Maine Coon with slight brown tints and a smokey colour around her neck. She has dull green eyes that always look angry.
Fur Color(s): Black with some brown, ashen around her neck
Fur Texture: Soft, wavy
Fur Length: Long
Eye Color: Dull green

Body Type/Structure: Larger, strong
Height: Tall
Weight: Heavy
Voice: Soft, quiet but confident
Gait: Large feet cause her to walk a little heavy

Scars / Deformities:
Diseases / Conditions:

Coordination: Low
Reflexes: Mid
Strength: High

Slatepaw: Name
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